A side note…

I’m going a little off topic this week because I think that there is something that needs to be addressed; the fact that after the hundreds of years that women have been fighting for equality, there are still people in this world that think that women are still not equal. This past week, football player Cam Newton decided to laugh at a female reporter in an interview based on her knowledge of routes. In 2017 he still thinks that it is funny that women are knowledgeable in sports, and have jobs in sports reporting. People look up to celebrities and the fact that on national TV he is degrading women is not okay. It’s like one step forward and two steps back. He was immediately dropped from a bunch of his sponsorships and many male reporters came to her defense. This is the thing that makes me happy about the whole situation is that even though there is still these bumbling idiots that think its okay to degrade women, there are finally men who are not afraid to stand up and defend women. 75 years ago this would not have been the case and Title IX did have a lot to do with bringing about this societal change.

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